Illustration Studio: Projects

Instructor Scott Fuqua
Course ID: BAI.ISS2017.1
Schedule: Tuesdays, 6-9pm, March 21st-May 2nd, 2017
Price: $350

Continuing Adventures in Creating Illustrated Stories, is for poised beginners, people who have progressed beyond an introductory class, those with an arts background, and individuals who work or want to work in the field. It is a class for those who have a specific project or projects in mind and need the steadying influence of an instructor who constantly challenges them to see uniquely, illustrate distinctively, and speak (in word or image) in their own wonderful voice.

In The Illustrated Story Studio, students are given a great deal of hands on instruction or left alone, whichever they desire. They are provided suggestions that they can mull over and incorporate as they see fit. The creator is given creative control. And, of course, they will be provided with as much help in their chosen medium and with their illustrations and written story (or the interpretation of the story they’ve chosen to illustrate) as they desire.

The Illustrated Story Studio will also provide multiple chances to discuss projects in classroom critiques or with others who are equally excited by their work. Further, exercises designed to sharpen the artist’s creativity will be conducted throughout the course.

The Illustrated Story Studio is an exciting, joyful, nurturing, and highly educational format with the ultimate goal of getting the student’s incredible work into the world. As with all of Jonathon’s courses, the demonstrations are endless, the discussions constant, the suggestions helpful, and the final products are far better than anyone imagined.

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Please note: due to the shortened nature of minimester and summer session there will be no add/drop period for those classes during which refunds will be given.